Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring is Here! Thank Goodness. . . .

We are so happy that we are now getting warmer weather! With it has come the beginning of the spring migration. Over the past week, in addition to our regular visitors to the feeder has been a few Redpoll, which apparently are not all that common in this neck of the woods.
Common Redpoll

Other recent sightings are a Red-breaster Merganser and a Northern Mockingbird. 

We are excited about our upcoming trip to Provence. We hope to do some birding while there, both in the hills around Roussillon where we are staying, as well as during a special day trip we have planned to the Camargue - which is a huge National Park just south of Arles. The park is essentially the delta for the Rhone River - and happens to be one of the largest fresh water landing zones for the Spring migration in Europe . . . I have secured a birding guide to spend the day with us, so upon our return I will certainly share some of the fun.